Nobis soul
7 ways to create a green garden in the city centre of Stockholm
Miss Clara’s outdoor terrace is a green oasis in the city centre of Stockholm. With Sveavägen Boulevard as its closest neighbour, transforming a 50 sqm concrete sidewalk into the look of a green garden does take some effort. To start planning already in February and choosing your plants with care are some of the tricks that’ll do it.
Would you like to transform your balcony at home to a green garden of your own? We asked Miss Clara’s housekeeping manager Helena, who has been around since Miss Clara opened its doors in 2014, to teach us her best tricks in 7 simple steps.

1. Use annual climbers
To get the garden look you need greens that grow vertically, and you need them to grow fast. The answer to this is Cobadea Scandens, a genius plant that will grow extensively and flower generously in only a few months.
2. Planning ahead
However, not even Cobadea Scandens grows fast enough. This means that you will need to start your gardening already late winter/early spring to be ready when sitting-outside-season gets upon us. Helena has been sowing the seeds already in February, letting them pre-grow in her living room at home. Feeling a little lazy? Buy them pre-grown from your local flower-shop.

3. Mix it up a little
To get that cosy garden feel you need to mix it up a little. Miss Clara’s outdoor terrace is sunny all day long and Helena uses a mix summer flowers that can handle lots of sunshine, like Gaura and Cosmos bipinnatus. Just for fun, she’ll also gladly grow some strawberries and wild strawberries.
4. Treat your plants like little babies
Water your plants ca 2-4 times a week. Sometimes your plants will need more water and sometimes they will need less. Come rain or come shine, the trick is to always be keen on your little babies needs.
5. No bullies in our garden
If you took our advice on growing Cobadea Scandens that grows stupendously fast, you’ll need to make sure they aren’t steeling room from the other plants and pushing guests out of their seats. Whenever you notice they’re getting a little out of hand, tie em up with steel cables to push them in the right direction.

6. Have a weekend lunch
Everything is always better if it comes with a nice meal. How about Miss Clara's lobster & crayfishroles with garden sallad, grilled prawns on salt bed with herbs and garlic or fresh oysters on a warm summer day?
7. Foresee the unforeseen
In your balcony at home, birds or vermins might be some of the unforeseen foresees to be prepared for. At Miss Clara’s, the unforeseen foresees are more related to people looking for a green souvenir in the after hours, taking plants with them as they leave.